22 ASIA (c) The rainfall of Ceylon brought by the 'north-east monsoon ' which has crossed the Bay of Bengal. (d) The rainfall of the East Indies, lying in the Equatorial belt. (e) The rainfall of certain east-coast: tracts due to oceanic influences affecting the normal character of the winter winds. Conditions in Summer. As the summer months approach, the land heats rapidly, and not only is the great high-pressure &^'\-'-'-':^f. FIG. x5.~—Winter rainfall and winds In A$f&. The Isohyets shown are 10, 30 and 60 Incfce» for the talf-year November »t to April goth. system of winter completely dissipated, but it is actually replaced by a succession of low-pressure areas, Again, the influence of the mountain barriers is paramount. A sea-level isobar map shows a low-pressure area stretching from Arabia over Balu- chistan, North-western India and Tibet. Actually there is no connection between the intense low-pressure centre which develops over the plains of North-western India and those which develop over the plateaus of the continental interior. The heating of the"